Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Glimpse of Reality

What is destiny? From the way people talk about it, it's as if there's this airborne force attracting one being to another. Destined for each other: how cliche is that? I don't know how many times I've heard people talk about destiny, but if I got a cent for every single time the topic was adopted I'd be an extremely rich woman.

What's my point anyway? Well lately I realized something. You're going to have to deal with my beating-around-the-bush though, before I get to my actual point. I'm sure everyone is aware of that idealistic view or perception of "the one." To sound less like a cheeseball, lets use another term: our "type." I would define a "type" as an ideal or a set standard for a possible mate. Yes, mate: like the National Geographic kind.

So we all have a type. Well I always had this standard set in my mind. I've always known what I wanted, or what kind of person I wanted. Then I met someone who fit exactly into my set standards. He was exactly my "type." But there was no attraction at all, whatsoever. And I realized that my "type" is not my type at all. And upon bringing this up with other people, I discovered that I was not the only one who felt this way.

Now my question is, do we even have a say in all this attraction mumbo jumbo? Or is it the work of that airborne force called destiny? Am I destined to fall in love with some blockhead from high school and have 23 kids? Not likely. I think it's a misunderstanding of our own judgment that causes these things to happen. Our perception is clouded by what we want to believe is ideal for us, and all the while we're unaware of what it is we actually want. And then when it so happens that we DO get what we want, we don't want it anymore. Typical, of course: we are insatiable human beings.

Anyhow, I don't believe in destiny. According to this documentary I watched, all existing things and feelings, etc are made of energy, and energy can be manipulated by will of mind according to the law of attraction. And therefore, we determine our own fate or destiny by willing it in our minds. It makes sense if you actually think about it, and if you do the research or watch the documentary (Get it: The Secret).

So maybe optimism isn't so bad. Maybe whoever introduced that point of view had something going for him/her. Funny how things work out, and how reality can bite you in the ass.

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